Balti vaimse koostöö konverents „Matemaatika ühiskonnale“

Järjekorras juba 17. Balti vaimse koostöö konverents „Matemaatika ühiskonnale“ toimub 28.-29. juunil 2021 Eesti teaduste akadeemias. Konverentsi raames toimub ka Balti mere äärsete riikide teaduste akadeemiate presidentide kohtumine ning energeetika-teemaline teadusseminar.

Konverentsi teemavalik on seotud erinevate valdkondade teadlaste rolliga kroonviiruse pandeemia ajal. Kui meditsiini- ja loodusteaduste ekspertide teenetest on palju räägitud, siis täppisteaduste, informaatika ja inseneeria roll selles protsessis on pigem varju jäänud. Lisaks pandeemiaga seotud rakendustele käsitletakse konverentsil matemaatika  kasutamise võimalusi ka laiemalt – poliitikast geeniuuringuteni.

Konverentsi fotogalerii (pildistas Reti Kokk)
Konverentsi järelvaatamine akadeemia Youtube'i-kanalis:

28.-29. juuni 2021, Eesti teaduste akadeemia.
Konverents ja eelseminar toimuvad inglise keeles. Kellaajad on kavas Eesti aja järgi (EEST (CEST+1)).

1. PÄEV, 28. JUUNI 2021

Scientific Seminar on Energetics, TalTech (online seminar, will be broadcast at the Estonian Academy of Sciences Hall)
Everyone recognises that climate change is happening and there is a transition to renewable resources. Studies of experts demonstrate that much higher levels of renewable energy can be reliably achieved while significantly reducing carbon emissions. It is a global challenge to all nations, in particular for Germany reducing the consumption of coal and for Estonia reducing the use of oil shale for electrical energy generation. Challenges and possibilities related to reliable future power systems are discussed at the scientific seminar on energetics.
Chair Professor Jakob Kübarsepp, Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
10.00–10.05Opening words Jakob Kübarsepp
10.05–10.25Photovoltaic and Wind Generation Systems within the Global Energy System – on the Way towards an All-Electric-World?
Professor Martin Kaltschmitt, Hamburg University of Technology Member of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg
10.30–10.50Power System Stability Related Challenges and Possibilities in Future Power Systems with a Significant Share of Renewables
Professor Jako Kilter, Tallinn University of Technology, School of Engineering, Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics
10.55–11.15Development of Hydrogen Based Energy Systems in Estonia
Professor Enn Lust, University of Tartu, Institute of Chemistry Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
11.15–11.30Trends Influencing the Development of Estoniaʼs Distribution Network
Dr Mihkel Härm, Elektrilevi OÜ
11.45–12.00Summing up and conclusions
Martin Kaltschmitt, Jako Kilter, Enn Lust, Jakob Kübarsepp
12:00–13:00LUNCH at the Estonian Academy of Sciences
XVII Baltic Conference on Intellectual Cooperation
13.00–13.30Opening speeches
Professor Aadu Must, Chairman of the Cultural Affairs Committee of Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu)
Jūras Banys, President of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Edwin Kreuzer, President of the Hamburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Anna Mauranen, President of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, language expert
Ojārs Spārītis, Vice-President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
Tarmo Soomere, President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
13.30–15.00Session 1: Mathematics for Policy
Chair Professor Krista Fischer, University of Tartu, Institute of Genomics
Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
Producing and Using Model-Assisted Policy Advice
Professor Ahti Salo, Aalto University School of Science, Systems Analysis Laboratory
Member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
13.50–14.10Advanced Maths for the Policy Decisions: The Case of the Shadow Economy Research
Professor Arnis Sauka, Centre for Sustainable Business at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga
Corresponding Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
14.10–14.30Social Physics: Data-Driven Analysis and Computational Modelling of Human Social Connectome
Professor Kimmo Kaski, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Computer Science
Vice President of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
14.30–14.50The Influence of COVID-19 on Mobility: An Analysis of Mobile Positioning Data from Estonia
Associate Professor in Human Geography Anto Aasa, University of Tartu, Department of Geography
14.50–15.10Coffee break
15.10–17.00Session 2: Mathematics and COVID-19
Chair: Professor Tarmo Soomere, Tallinn University of Technology, School of Science, Department of Cybernetics,
President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
15.10–15.30Data Analytic Approaches to Support the Management of COVID-19 in Estonia
Professor Krista Fischer, University of Tartu, Institute of Genomics
Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
15:30–15:50Dynamic Modelling of the Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic in Lithuania
Professor Olga Štikonienė, Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Mathematics
15.50–16.10The Increase of Scientific Activity in Artificial Intelligence during the Pandemic
Professor Guntis Bārzdiņš, University of Latvia, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Corresponding Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
16.10–16.30Functional Pathways Analysis for COVID-19 Modelling: The Case of Lithuania
Professor Audronė Jakaitienė, Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine
16.30–16.50What Can/Should We Learn from the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Professor Reiner Lauterbach, University of Hamburg, Department of Mathematics
Member of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg
16.50–17.00Announcement of the Laureates of the Medals of the Baltic Academies of Sciences.
Summary of the day.
17.00–18.00Refreshments and Tour of the Academy Building by the Vice-President of the Academy Prof. Mart Kalm
18.00–20.00Conference dinner

2. PÄEV, 29. JUUNI 2021

09.30–10.00 Morning coffee
10.00–12.00Session 3: Mathematical applications
Chair Professor Emeritus Jüri Engelbrecht, Tallinn University of Technology, School of Science
Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
10.00–10.20Universality: When Can Complex Be Simple?
Assistant Professor Juhan Aru, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Federal Polytechnic Institute of Lausanne)
Member of the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences
10.20–10.40Mathematics of Quantum Computing
Professor Andris Ambainis, University of Latvia, Faculty of Computing Sciences
Full Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
10.40–11.00Computational Modelling and Analysis of 3D Structures of Proteins and Protein Complexes
Dr Česlovas Venclovas, Vilnius University, Institute of Biotechnology
Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
11.00–11.20Digging Genomes to Understand Our Past – Modern Tools for Old Puzzles
Professor Mait Metspalu, University of Tartu, Institute of Genomics
11.20–11.40How Will Water Resources of the Baltic Region Change in the Future?
Dr Jūratė Kriaučiūnienė, Lithuanian Energy Institute
Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
11.40–12.00On the Development of Navigation Tables in Early Modern England
Professor Thomas Sonar, Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for Partial Differential Equations
Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg
12.00–12.15Final remarks and conclusions
12.15–13.00Lunch at the Estonian Academy of Science
13.00–16.00Meeting of the Presidents of Academies

Balti vaimse koostöö konverentsid on võimaldanud kohtuda ja ühiseid probleeme arutada akadeemiate tippjuhtidel, programmis on ettekanded teatud aktuaalse ja olulise teadus- või teaduspoliitilise teema käsitlemiseks. Konverentside raames antakse välja ka Balti teaduste akadeemiate medalit, millega tunnustatakse panust Balti piirkonna teadlaste koostöö edendamisse ja ühiste uuringute läbiviimisse.