Professor Bhat Rajeev, Estonian University of Life Sciences was elected by the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASASC) as expert of the Project „Meat Alternatives“ in terms of the EASAC Biosciences Programme.
A range of meat alternatives are increasingly popularised and adopted in recent years for both health and environmental reasons, e.g. to reduce consumers’ carbon footprint compared to classical meat farming. Vegetarian and vegan diets have been in existence for centuries - albeit a minority lifestyle in Europe in recent decades, and is anticipated to grow significantly in coming years.
EASAC` project will focus on the newer emerging technologies, examining the basis of their top-line environmental claims, and concluding with recommendations on transparency and regulation. The opportunities for health benefit will also be explored.
The main outcome of the EASAC project „Meat alternatives“ is an evidence-based report based on analysis with recommendations to policymakers.