Endel Lippmaa memorial lecture and memorial medal have been instituted with a view to fostering transdisciplinary and cross boundary communication of scientific discoveries and pioneering ideas, as well as highlighting the mission of the scientist in and for the society.

Academician Endel Lippmaa (15.09.1930–30.07.2015) was one of the great men of Estonian science and politics, and to this day he is one of the most well-known Estonian scientists in the world. As a capable personality with exceptionally sharp mind and wide grasp, he made a significant contribution to restoring the independence of Estonia and rebuilding a free society, influencing and shaping the development of our country for a long time.
By establishing the tradition of the Endel Lippmaa Memorial Medal and the related Memorial Lectures, The Estonian Academy of Sciences wishes to promote the spread of scientific excellence and innovation, as well as to recognise and value the mission of outstanding personalities in the history of Estonia. With this objective in mind, the person to be selected as a recipient of the Endel Lippmaa Medal is a prominent figure in the field of science or society, whose activity has had a substantial impact on the development of science or society and in whose work top-level science is combined with serving the society.
On the 90th anniversary (2020) of the birth of Endel Lippmaa, his Memorial Medal is granted as a token of recognition to an outstanding Danish politician, a good friend of Estonia and an ardent supporter of our aspirations for freedom Uffe Ellemann-Jensen.
As Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (1982–1993), Uffe Ellemann-Jensen was instrumental in the recognition process of the Baltic States at the time of the restoration of independence of the Republic of Estonia. Thanks to his efforts, Denmark became the first state to restore diplomatic relations with all the three Baltic countries. Together with his German colleague Hans-Dietrich Genscher he convened the Council of the Baltic Sea States in 1992, the central objective of which was to ensure a balanced development within the Baltic Sea region after the end of the Cold War. For twenty years (1998–2018) Ellemann-Jensen contributed vigorously to the activity of the Baltic Development Forum, which brought together top performers in the domains of business, politics, media, and science within the region.
Kurt Wüthrich (born in 1938; Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002). On September 12, 2017 he gave the first Endel Lippmaa Memorial Lecture at the Academy. Afterwards he was given the Endel Lippmaa Memorial Medal.