Estonian-Bulgarian Joint Research Projects


  • Multicomponent metal oxide thin films for perovskite solar cells.
    Atanas Katerski, Tallinn University of Technology
    Maxim Ganchev, Central laboratory of solar energy and new energy sources
  • Nature, religion, and magic. Religious notions and new interpretations.
    Mare Kõiva, Estonian Literary Museum
    Ekaterina Anastasova, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum
  • Multi-scale condition-enabled mapping and assessment of ecosystem services: a comparative study of Bulgarian and Estonian case studies.
    Kalev Sepp, Estonian University of Life Sciences
    Stoyan Nedkov, National Institute of Geophysics Geodesy and Geography
  • Inorganic composites on the base of natural, synthetic and technogenic materials for ecological applications.
    Andres Trikkel, Tallinn University of Technology, Dept. of Materials and Environmental Technology, Laboratory of Inorganic Materials
    Vilma Petkova Stoyanova, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography „Acad. Iv. Kostov“ of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


29.12.2021 The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for years 2022–2023, to be implemented under the cooperation agreement between academies:

  • Field and experimental studies of actual diseases of honey bees (Apis mellifera I.) from Bulgaria and Estonia
    Dr. Risto Raimets, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
    Dr. Delka Salkova, Institute of Experimental Morphology Pathology and Anthropology with Museum Department of Experimental Parasitology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Preparation of composite materials with multifunctional properties: structural studies and application
    Dr. Valdek Mikli, Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Materials and Environmental Technology
    Assoc. Prof. Angelina Koleva Stoyanova, Georgi Nadjakov Institute of Solid State Physics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Religious Notions. Traditional Beliefs and the Opposition Nature – Culture (New Realities, Theoretical Approaches and Interpretations)
    Dr. Mare Kõiva, Estonian Literary Museum, Department of Folkloristics
    Prof. Ekaterina Anastasova, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Impact of mineral composition on the chrystal-chemical and thermal properties of environmentally efficient comoposites
    Dr. Tiit Kaljuvee, Tallinn University of Technology, Laboratory of Inorganic Materials
    Prof. Vilma Stoyanova, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography "Acad Iv. Kostov" of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Multicomponent metal oxide thin films for new generation solar cells
    Dr. Olga Volobujeva, Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Materials and Environmental Technology, Photovoltaic materials research laboratory
    Assoc. Prof. Maxim Ganchev, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Central Laboratory of solar energy and new energy sources


The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for years 2018–2020, to be implemented under the cooperation agreement between academies:

Wide band gap oxide semiconductors for photovoltaic applications
Atanas Katerski,Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Materials and Environmental Technology.
Maxim Ganchev, Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Synthesis and structural investigation of multifunctional materials – ceramics and alloys for their application
Valdek Mikli, Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Materials and Environmental Technology.
Angelina Koleva Stoyanova-Ivanova, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Impact of intensification on carbonate, phosphate-silicate and sulfide/sulphate systems on their crystal-chemical properties
Tiit Kaljuvee,  Tallinn University of Technology, Laboratory of Inorganic Materials.
Vladislav Kostov, Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Dynamic boundaries in dynamic world. Tradition, religion and modernity
Mare Kõiva, Estonian Literary Museum.Ekaterina Anastasova,  Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.


The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have approved the following joint research projects for a three-year period 2012–2014 under the agreement programme on scientific cooperation between the two academies:

Kesterite Based Solar Cells by Chemical Methods.
Prof. Enn Mellikov. Department of Materials Science, Tallinn University of Technology & Dr. Maxim
Ganchev. Central Laboratory for Solar Energy and New Sources of Energy, Bulgarian Academy of

⁶˒⁷Li NMR with Ultrafast MAS: Structure of Li-ion Battery Electrodes.
Prof. Ago Samoson. Technomedicum, Tallinn University of Technology & Dr. Radostina Stoyanova.
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Tsunamis in Inland Seas (Black and Baltic Seas).
Dr. Irina Didenkulova.  Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology & Dr. Boyko Ranguelov. Space and Solar-terrestial Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Sacral Space – Holy Places and Local Traditions (Bulgaria and Estonia).
Dr. Mare Kõiva. Estonian Literary Museum & Dr. Ekaterina Anastasova.  Institute of Ethnology and
Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.