The Estonian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS) was established in 2017 at the initiative of the Estonian Academy of Sciences as an independent organisation representing the voices and interests of young scientists and scholars in Estonia. It seeks to contribute towards the development of research and betterment of society. We advocate the continuing relevance of the scientists' role in societal and cultural processes, and seek to provide our input into the prosperity of Estonian science.

Members of the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences are outstanding scientists and scholars up to the age of 41. They were either nominated by the Estonian research and development institutions in reply to a call from the Estonian Academy of Sciences as founding members, or applied and were accepted in the consequtive calls for members.

The Estonian Young Academy of Sciences is focused on topics important to young scientists and scholars in Estonia, including but not limited to issues pertaining to research funding, collaboration with Young Academies in other countries, encouraging interdisciplinary cooperation and science outreach, and broadening the career choices for PhD students and people with a PhD degree in Estonia. We work closely with the Estonian Academy of Sciences as well as various other institutions, organisations and individuals representing the private and public sector. Our objective is to introduce the work of Estonian young scientists and scholars outside Estonia, organise academic conferences and events, and foster the mobility of young researchers through the creation of a support system for young scientists and scholars working abroad.

Follow us on Facebook

Estonian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS)
Kohtu Str. 6, 10130 Tallinn, ESTONIA



Short videos series addressing the Estonian Parliament at the annual Science Policy Conferences


We organized a seminar on strategies of science popularization for the membership of EYAS, sponsored by TeaMe+


We mobilized our resources to analyze data, help prognose, publish and advice the Estonian Government regarding the Covid-19 pandemic



We elected five new members. Read the article on Portal Novaator


We collaborated with the Estonian Science Journalists Association and the Estonian Chamber of Research to organize the general election debate on science policy. EYAS was represented by Katrin Tiidenberg. Watch the video at Portal Novaator.

We collaborated with the Academic Unions, Estonian Chamber of Research and student unions to organize the Support Science Day. Event page in FB.


We participated in the Nordic and Baltic Young Academies joint workshop. EYAS was represented by Katrin Tiidenberg, Tuul Sepp and Lili Milani.


We participated in the collaboration seminar of Meeting of the European Young Academies - Improving Collaboration Between European National Young Academies (organized by Young Academy Finland) in Helsinki. EYAS was represented by Kajar Köster

We organized a research funding related protest march “The Burial of Estonian Research”. FB event page.


We signed the Nordic-, and Baltic Young Academies of Science in a statement regarding gender equality in the academy. Take a look at the Statement.

We organized and moderated the Fresh Research stage at the Estonian Opinion Festival. Tuul Sepp, Mario Kadastik, Katrin Tiidenberg, Marju Raju ja Ester Oras took part in the panel “What’s the use of fresh research?”. Read the article (in Estonian).


We organized a seminar on science communication for the membership of EYAS, presentation by Arko Olesk, sponsored by TeaMe+


We helped organize the Parliament’s sixth research policy conference „Researc as the basis of Estonian development”. novaator.err.ee/994165/otseulekanne-teaduspoliitika-konverents-riigikogus

We organized a seminar on leadership for the membership of EYAS, presentation by Marju Unt, sponsored by TeaMe+


We won Estonian Research Agency’s science popularization award for our series of articles “What do we need basic science for?” docs.google.com/…/1LC18cMoHYlnOfIfKc5ewAFX2Ai…/edit…



We collaborated with the Academy of Sciences to organize the conference “Young Scientists in Estonia and Abroad”. noorteadlased.ee/


We participated in the Meeting of the European Young Academies - Improving Collaboration Between European National Young Academies in Amsterdam. EYAS was represented by Andra Siibak and Heisi Kurig. globalyoungacademy.net/european-young-academies-meeting-in-amsterdam/


We collaborated with the Estonian Academic Women’s Union to organize a roundtable “Female researcher’s joys and sorrows.” EYAS was represented by Äli Leijen, Karin Kogermann and Andra Siibak. www.facebook.com/195091304347648/posts/327938017729642/


We contributed to the agenda setting, public communication and political lobby surrounding Estonian research funding, which led to the signing of a Research agreement by all political parties at the invite of the Estonian president. EYAS was represented by Els Heinsalu. novaator.err.ee/886104/eesti-teadusleppe-taistekst

Erik Abner

Research fellow of functional genomics, University of Tartu

PhD: Barcelona Pompeu Fabra University, Biomedicine, "Identification of HIV-1 reactivating quinoline compounds as bromodomain inhibitors", 2016.

Research area: genetics of human diseases, virology, micropeptides

Mission in EYAS: My goal is to popularize the scientific way of thinking in the general populace, to educate on the peculiarities of the functioning of modern science and to explain the usefulness of our work in society at large. I also wish to inspire the next young generation in Estonia to become scientists and to teach them how to ask the right questions about the world around them.

Kaur Alasoo

Lecture of Bioinformatics, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Cambridge, computational biology, "Regulation of gene expression in macrophage immune response", 2017.

Research area: genetics and molecular mechanisms of complex diseases

Mission in EYAS: Supporting underrepresented minorities in Estonian research and facilitating research-intensive biotech entrepreneurship in Estonia.

Jaan Aru

Associate professor, University of Tartu

PhD: Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, psychology and brain research, "Distilling the neural correlates of conscious perception",  2014.

Research interests: brain research, AI.

Mission in EYAS: Propagating science and scientific thinking in society. I want to show young people that scientists are cool people and do interesting things. I am always ready to answer all questions that young Estonian scholars may have about academic life.

Juhan Aru

Tenure-track assistant professor, EPFL

PhD: ENS Lyon, mathematics, "The Geometry of the Gaussian Free Field Combined with SLE Processes and the KPZ Relation", 2015.

Research interests: random geometry, stochastic processes.

Mission in EYAS: play my part in assuring that the contribution of our whole is larger than the sum of its individual parts. I hope that our varied backgrounds and ways of thinking will help us approach freshly the questions about the nature and the role of sciences & scientists, both at our workplace and in the society.

Anastasiya Astapova

Associate Professor of Folkloristics, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Tartu, Folklore, “Negotiating Belarusianness: Political Folklore betwixt and between” Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, 2015
Institute for Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences, Philology, "Contemporary Student Jokes: Plots and Themes", 2016.

Research interests: humor, political folklore, nationalism, migration, conspiracy theories, vaccine hesitancy
Mission in EYAS: Bring academic and public attention to issues important to Estonian society, including the language and integration policies as well as how these function on a daily basis; contribute to the increasing international and public image of Estonian science.

Mai Beilmann

Associate Professor of Empirical Sociology, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Tartu, Sociology, "Social Capital and Individualism-Collectivism at the Individual Level", 2017.

Research interests: social capital, political and civic participation, participation, wellbeing and vulnerability of children and youth.

Mission in EYAS: Educating the general populace about how (social) research is done and why it is important to participate in (social) research.

Juhan Hellerma

Research Fellow, Tallinn University; Visiting Research Fellow, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Tartu, philosophy "Mapping Time: Analysis of Contemporary Theories of Historical Temporality", 2020.

Mission in EYAS: I want to ensure that the dialogue between science and society is meaningful and multilayered. I would also like to contribute to the promotion of career opportunities for young researchers and help them think about how to share their research with the public in an engaging way.

Marju Himma

Associate Professor in Journalism Studies, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Tartu, "Skill performance of Estonian online journalists: assessment model for newsrooms and research", 2018.

Research interest: Journalism studies, science communication, and information disorders.

Mission in EYAS: I will promote effective and deliberative science and research communication among young scholars. Additionally, my aim is to initiate a discussion over alternative academic career paths among young researchers, since I can contribute my experience as a pracademic (practitioner and academic).

Madis Järvekülg

Researcher, Tallinn University Baltic Film, Media and Arts School

PhD: Tallinn University, audiovisual arts and media studies, "Facebook as a digital music platform: Communicative reorganization of Estonian music cultures", 2022.

Research interest: music industries, social media, digital culture, media evolution.

Mission in EYAS: I represent and value the diversity of academic work, the interests of interdisciplinary academic fields such as media studies, research forms based on discovery and curiosity, the specifics of artistic research, as well as qualitative research methods and the corresponding best practices in research ethics. I advocate for the principle of transparency in academic institutions and processes.

Mihkel Kama

Assistant professor, University College London

Associate professor, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Amsterdam, "Intermediate-mass young stars", 2013.

Research interests: the formation processes and diversity of planets.

Mission in EYAS: Advance the role of scientific thinking in society, support the professional development of academics, and enrich the Estonian science vocabulary.

Heisi Kurig

Research Fellow, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Tartu, chemistry, "Electrical Double-Layer Capacitors Based on Ionic Liquids as Electrolytes", 2011.

Research interests: electrochemistry, physical chemistry, energy storage, gas sorption, hydrogen, neutron scattering methods.

Mission in EYAS: Being an ENTA member gives me a chance to contribute actively in developing towards to a scientific fact based society. In my opinion, one of the key objectives of ENTA is to make the Estonian young scientists’ opinion heard and increase the influence of science-based argumentation in different decision making processes in our society.

Vladimir Kuts

Tallinn University of Technology

PhD: Tallinn University of Technology, "Novel digital twin development methodology for the robot cell connectivity in a smart industry environment", 2019.

Research interests: digital twins, human-robot interaction and virtual reality in the industry.

Mission in EYAS: Popularization of Estonian science and international mobility, advising young researchers about possible career-paths after finishing their doctoral studies. 

Rainer Küngas

Chief Technology Officer, Stargate Hydrogen OÜ

PhD: University of Pennsylvania, chemical engineering, "Factors Governing the Performance and Stability of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes Prepared by Infiltration", 2012.

Research interests: heterogeneous catalysis, solid state electrochemistry, fuel cells, electrolysis cells, battery materials, ceramics processing, application of Design of Experiments statistical tools to industrial processes.

Mission in EYAS: Demonstrate that it is possible to do high quality research in an industrial setting. Promote the industrial career as a viable alternative for young researchers and PhD students in Estonia. Improve collaboration between young researchers and entrepreneurs.

Triin Laisk

Associate Professor, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Tartu, medicine, "Genetic variation as a modulator of susceptibility to female infertility and a source for potential biomarkers".

Field of Research: female health, genetics of fertility and infertility, genetic epidemiology.

Mission in EYAS: As a member of the EYAS, I would like to bring scientists closer to people and the society, help spread evidence-based information, and set an example for other scientists with both my experiences and actions.

Kerli Liivand

Senior Researcher, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
PhD: University of Tartu, Chemistry, "Influence of electrospun separator materials properties on electrochemical performance of electrical double-layer capacitors", 2013.
Research Areas: Electrochemistry, Metallurgy, Circular Economy, Energy Conversion and Storage, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Battery Materials, Materials Recycling/Upcycling.
Mission at ENTa: Advocate for the funding and development opportunities of young researchers. Promote interdisciplinary research and development collaboration between different institutions.

Kristiina Mark

Researcher, Estonian University of Life Sciences

PhD: University of Tartu, Botany and Mycology, "Diversification and species delimitation of lichenized fungi in selected groups of the family Parmeliaceae (Ascomycota)", 2016.

Research interests: symbiosis biology, lichen and its symbionts’, incl. microalgae biology, physiology and ecology.

Mission in EYAS: I would like to contribute to improving science communication and outreach activities in society but most importantly with Estonian youth. I further hope to promote natural sciences, encourage and recognize environmental consciousness and scientific thinking.

Kerli Mõtus

Associate Professor, Estonian University of Life Sciences

PhD: Estonian University of Life Sciences, veterinary epidemiology, "Epidemiology, Impact on Herd Health and Control of Bovine Herpesvirus 1 in Estonian Dairy Cattle Herds", 2012.

Research interests: veterinary epidemiology, dairy and beef cattle, mortality, euthanasia, risk factors and causes.

Mission in EYAS: contribute in topics essential for young scientists (financing, career development, popularising science and sharing with community).

Miina Norvik

Research Fellow in Finnic languages, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Tartu, Finnic languages, "Future time reference devices in Livonian in a Finnic context", 2015.

Research area: Finnic languages, areal typology, structural features of languages.

Mission in EAYS: My goal is to make sure that the voice of the linguists is also represented.  I want to contribute to popularizing science among youth and the general public. I regard highly important advancement of interdisciplinary communication and collaboration. 

Kärt Ojavee

Senior Researcher, Estonian Academy of Arts

PhD: Estonian Art Academy, art and design, "Active Smart Interior Textiles: Interactive Soft Displays", 2013.

Research interests: sensing textiles, responsive environments, calm technology, textile displays, spatial textiles, haptic materials in architecture, living materials.

Mission in EYAS: represent the interests of designers and artists whose work is based on practice led research. In the future I would like to contribute to finding opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations.

Ester Oras

Associate Professor, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Cambridge (UK), archaeology, "Practices of Wealth Depositing in the 1st – 9th Century AD Eastern Baltic", 2014.

Research interests: archaeological sciences, analytical chemistry, organic residue analysis, ancient foodways and health, prehistoric migrations.

Mission in EYAS: multidicipliary reseach, the role of young scholars in academia and society, funding opportunities for young researchers.

Sander Pajusalu

Associate Professor, Tartu University. Medical Geneticist and Head of the Genetics and Personalized Medicine Clinic, Tartu University Hospital

PhD: Tartu University, Medicine "Genome-wide diagnostics of Mendelian disorders: from chromosomal microarrays to next-generation sequencing", 2017.

Research area: Clinical genomics, Inherited diseases
Mission in EAYS: I stand for interdisciplinarity and against arbitrary borders between different fields in science. I wish that everyone – both researchers and society – would benefit from the best research. I want to help Estonia to develop into a more evidence-based and research-based society.

Sille Pihlak

Researcher at Timber Architecture Institute PAKK, Estonian Academy of Arts 

PhD: Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, "Prototyping Protocols, Protocolling Prototypes: A Methodological Development of Somatic Modularity for Algorithmic Timber Architecture in Estonian Context", 2020.

Research area:  Sustainable architecture, modularity in timber structures, design in infrastructure, artistic research

Mission in EYAS: I wish to expand the scientific potential behind artistic research, strengthen the research driven architecture and build bridges between science and private enterprises.

Gert Preegel

Researcher, Tallinn University of Technology

PhD: National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, "Cyclopentane-1,2-dione and Cyclopent-2-en-1-one in Asymmetric Organocatalytic Reactions", 2016.

Research interests: organic chemistry, industrial chemistry.

Mission in EYAS: improve the career prospects of young researchers and promote evidence-based decision making in society.

Kadi Liis Saar

Research Fellow, University of Cambridge

PhD: University of Cambridge, "Advances in biophysical characterisation through micron scale flow engineering", 2019.

Research Area: Biophysical Chemistry & Machine Learning

Mission in EYAS: Advancing technology transfer and fostering the emergence and growth of knowledge-intensive companies, especially in the field of biotechnology. More broadly, bringing science closer to society and making it accessible and appealing to the youth in order to cultivate a society that is driven by knowledge and evidence.

Tuul Sepp

Associate Professor of Animal Ecology, University of Tartu

PhD: University of Tartu, animal ecology, "Hematological Health State Indices of Greenfinches: Sources of Individual Variation and Responses to Immune System Manipulation" 2012.

Research interests: animal ecology, animal physiology, evolutionary biology, urban ecology, aging in the wild.

Mission in EYAS: popularising science outreach activities among scientists, improve the opportunities for young scientists with families.

Jaak Sikk

Lecturer, Estonian Academy of Music and Theater
PhD: Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, contemporary improvisation, "The Influence of Stimulus Based Imagery on the Process of Improvising Freely", 2020.

Research interests: improvisation, imagery, potential self

Mission in EYAS: As an artistic researcher and practitioner, the in-depth experience of putting philosophical and neurocognitive models into performance happens on a daily basis. I am motivated to create new value that derives from the border area of theory and practice. Also the interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration is a high priority for me.

Tõnn Talpsepp 

Associate professor of financial technology, Tallinn University of Technology

PhD: Tallinn University of Technology, financial economics: "Investor behavior and volatility asymmetry", 2010.

Research area: behavioral finance, financial technology

Mission in EYAS: Advocate scientific and data based approach to decision making; help young scholars at the beginning of their academic career and people interested in continuing their studies at doctoral level. 

Martin Thalfeldt 

Assistant professor in building service systems, Tallinn University of Technology.

PhD: Tallinn University of Technology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, "Total Economy of Energy-Efficient Office Building Facades in a Cold Climate", 2016.

Research area: Energy-efficiency and indoor climate of buildings; design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems; real-time building performance assessment.

Mission in ENTA: I wish to promote interdisciplinary research and development within and between universities and the industry. I also consider it important that young researchers are supported when transforming from supervisee to supervisor.

Aare Tool

Lecturer of Music Theory, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

PhD: Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, musicology, "The Modes of Limited Transposition and Form in the Music of Eduard Oja", 2016.

Research interests: music theory, music analysis, Estonian music.

Mission in EYAS: active presence of humanities in the Young Academy will contribute to our better understanding of the relationship between various fields of study and open up new perspectives for cooperation.

Kaspar Tootsi  

Research Fellow, Orthopaedic surgeon; University of Tartu and Tartu University Hospital.

PhD: University of Tartu, “Cardiovascular and metabolomic profiling of osteoarthritis”, 2017.

Research area: orthopaedics, metabolomics, cardiovascular diseases.

Mission in ENTA: I wish to popularize science-based medicine to combat harmful pseudoscientific narratives. I stand for increasing the importance of scientists and science-based decision making in society.

Toomas Vaimann

Research Professor, Tallinn University of Technology

PhD: Tallinn University of Technology, Energy and Geotechnology, "Diagnostics of Induction Machine Rotor Faults Using Analysis of Stator Signals", 2014.

Research area: electrical machines, diagnostics of electrical machines and drive systems, condition monitoring, prognostics.

Mission in EYAS: My mission in EYAS is to promote and encourage engineering as a knowledge-intensive applied science field. I stand for the financial and development possibilities of young researchers.

Heli Valtna

Senior Researcher, University of Tartu; LightCode Photonics OÜ founder and CEO

PhD: University of Tartu, physics "Superluminally propagating localized optical pulses", 2010.

Research area: wave optics, design and characterization of ultrawideband optical wave fields.

Mission in EUAS: I believe in wisdom and desire of young researchers to contribute to evolution of Estonian ecosystem of science, higher education and knowledge based economy to make it sustainable, self-renewing and visionary. Forthcoming 30-40 years of professional career poses both responsibility and opportunity to shape the future.

Hardi Veermäe

Senior Researcher, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics

PhD: University of Tartu, theroetical physics, "Dark matter with long-range vector-mediated interactions", 2017.

Research area: high energy physics, cosmology, gravitational wave astronomy.

Mission in EUAS: My aim is to contribute to the development of Estonia as a science oriented nation and making Estonia a more attractive destination for all researchers. I also wish to focus on popularising scientific thinking and exact sciences in Estonian society.

Aro Velmet

Assistant professor of European history, University of Southern California; Visiting research fellow, University of Tartu

PhD: New York University, history and French studies, "Pasteur’s Empire: Bacteriology, politics, and transnational science, 1890–1945," 2016.

Research area: History of science, technology, and medicine, colonialism, empires, transnational governance, gender studies, history of computing and information politics, cultural history

Mission in EYAS: To represent the interests of scholars in the humanities and in science and technology studies. Contributing to scientifically informed policymaking in Estonian society and critical scientific thinking in Estonian media. Improving gender equality, non-discrimination and humane labor conditions in science.

Alumni and Supporting Members


Anneli Veispak, member 2017‒2019
Peeter Espak, member 2017‒2021
Äli Leijen, member 2017‒2021
Priit Purge, member 2017‒2021
Elmo Tempel, member 2017‒2021, 2021 member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
Els Heinsalu, member 2017‒2022, president 2017‒2019
Eva Näripea, member 2017‒2022
Hannes Tõnisson, member 2017‒2022
Hendrik Voll, member 2017‒2022
Kajar Köster, member 2017‒2022
Katrin Tiidenberg, member 2017‒2022
Kristo Karjust, member 2017‒2022
Leho Tedersoo, member 2017‒2022
Ringa Raudla, member 2017‒2022
Helen Eenmaa, member 2018‒2023
Maarja Grossberg-Kuusk, president 2021‒2023

Supporting Members

Kristo Karjust
Leho Tedersoo
Äli Leijen
Katrin Tiidenberg
Kajar Köster
Helen Eenmaa
Maarja Grossberg-Kuusk


Anneli Veispak, member 2017‒2019
Peeter Espak, member 2017‒2021
Äli Leijen, member 2017‒2021
Priit Purge, member 2017‒2021
Elmo Tempel, member 2017‒2021, 2021 member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
Els Heinsalu, member 2017‒2022, president 2017‒2019
Eva Näripea, member 2017‒2022
Hannes Tõnisson, member 2017‒2022
Hendrik Voll, member 2017‒2022
Kajar Köster, member 2017‒2022
Katrin Tiidenberg, member 2017‒2022
Kristo Karjust, member 2017‒2022
Leho Tedersoo, member 2017‒2022
Ringa Raudla, member 2017‒2022
Helen Eenmaa, member 2018‒2023
Maarja Grossberg-Kuusk, president 2021‒2023
Mario Kadastik, member 2019-2023, president 2019–2021
Karin Kogermann, member 2017–2023
Innar Liiv, member2017–2024
Lili Milani, member 2017–2024
Marju Raju, member 2017–2024
Andra Siibak, member 2017–2024
Kärt Ojavee, member 2017–2024

Supporting Members

Kristo Karjust
Leho Tedersoo
Äli Leijen
Katrin Tiidenberg
Kajar Köster
Helen Eenmaa
Maarja Grossberg-Kuusk
Innar Liiv
Karin Kogermann

The Estonian Young Academy of Sciences has active members and supporting members. Active members are outstanding Estonian scientists and scholars with a PhD degree, who participate in fulfilling the aims of the organization. Membership status expires at the age of 41 or due to cessation of contribution. Each year, new members will be chosen to vacant positions. Calls for members are published on this website and on the EYAS Facebook page.

Supporting members are physical or legal persons, both inside and outside Estonia, who support the activities of the organization. Supporting members have the same rights as active members, the only exception concerns the right to vote. The supporting member status is determined by the decision of the Board. To become a supporting member, please apply via enta@akadeemia.ee.

The five member Board of the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences was elected during the General Assembly meeting in 2023 are:

Toomas Vaimann


Miina Norvik

Vice President

Martin Thalfeldt

Vice President

Kaur Alasoo

Secretary General

Erik Abner

Head of Communications

The Estonian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS)
Kohtu Str. 6, 10130 Tallinn, Estonia

Follow us on Facebook