The European Union has adopted and implemented policy instruments to attract the best brains for a research career in Europe. A key element is the European Research Area. Mobile researchers, ready to move across country borders, seeking to access new knowledge, gain experience and skills, contribute to the transfer of knowledge, have an essential role to play.
However, moving to another country can be a complicated and exhaustive experience. European Commission has set up the European Network of Mobility Centres (EURAXESS Services Network) to assist researchers in practical matters relating to transnational mobility. The EURAXESS Services Network counts about 200 mobility centres and numerous local contact points in European countries, providing one-to-one assistance on issues such as:
- visas, residence and work permits;
- job opportunities, salaries and taxation;
- health care, pension rights, social security;
- everyday life (e.g. housing, language courses);
- family support (e.g. day care and schooling of children, also legal issues);
- social and cultural issues, etc.
The network is coordinated and co-financed by the European Commission. The Estonian Academy of Sciences is a member (Bridgehead Organisation) of EURAXESS.
See the website of EURAXESS Estonia

EURAXESS Portal aims at facilitating the mobility experience for researchers and serves as a tool for R&D organizations in search of the talented recruits. The portal provides a wide range of information and services, e.g.
- links to research funding at national and international level;
- job vacancies (also possibility to post a CV on the Portal);
- information about policies, administrative and legal issues for mobile researchers;
- access to the national Researcher’s Mobility Portals, etc.
Contact: Terje Tuisk,