Competition for the selection of three research professors is open

The Estonian Academy of Sciences announces a competition for selection of three research professors. The competition is open until 1 November 2024.

Eligible applicants for the position of research professor must hold an Estonian doctoral degree or an equivalent academic degree from a foreign institution. They must have accumulated at least ten years of experience as a senior researcher, professor, or in equivalent roles, and have supervised doctoral dissertations. Candidates are expected to demonstrate continuous internationally recognized research and success in obtaining and fulfilling research grants.

The position of research professor enables a distinguished researcher to lead research in a scientific and development institution or university, supervise doctoral students, and focus on specialized research.

Research professors are selected for a period of three years (2025–2027). The support for a research professor is 70,000 euros for one year.

Upon selection, a trilateral agreement is signed between the chosen candidate, an Estonian university or research institution, and the Estonian Academy of Sciences to establish the position of research professor.

Interested candidates must complete the participation form by 1 November 2024 (at 23.59), at

For further information, please visit the website here.

Additional information: Siiri Jakobson,