Call for applications for “Women in Science Baltic Fellowship” is now open

The Baltic National Academies of Sciences in cooperation with National Commissions for UNESCO launched a joint fellowship contest for women scientists. The call is open until 5 July 2024. Nine outstanding Baltic women scientists – three from each country – will receive a fellowship of €7,000 in recognition of their research so far and for pursuing further research in their scientific field.

Applications in Estonia are invited from women scientists who are currently doctoral students at any of the Estonian universities or research institutions, or who have completed their doctoral studies no more than seven years ago and are working at an Estonian university or research institution.

In all three countries, two fellowships will be awarded in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Sciences – one for a Doctoral Candidate and one for a Doctor of Sciences. In addition in Estonia one scholarship will be awarded for a Doctor of Sciences in the field of social sciences and in Latvia and Lithuania one scholarship will be awarded for a Doctor of Sciences in the fields of social sciences and humanities.

The joint awared ceremony will be held in Vilnius in Autumn of 2024.

The aim of the joint fellowship is to support young women in their pursuit of a career in science in the Baltic States. Estonian Fellowships are funded by the Ministry of Education and Research.

Applications can be submitted in the e-environment of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.

Contact: Terje Tuisk,, +372 511 0356