Competition for the position of Research Professor in Future Energetics 2023–2025

A person applying for the position of Research Professor in Future Energetics must have an Estonian doctorate or an equivalent academic degree from a foreign state and meet the qualification requirements for theme-based Academy Professor (see the requirements in Estonian here).

A tripartite agreement will be concluded between the selected applicant, the Estonian university or research institution and the Estonian Academy of Sciences for the opening of the position of Research Professor.

Research Professor in Future Energetics will be selected for a three-year term (2023–2025). The grant for Research Professor in 2023 is 70 000 euros and is expected to remain at the same level in 2024–2025.

Persons who wish to participate in the competition must fill in the application form at the latest by 1 November 2022.

The following information must be entered or added in the form:

  • an outline of the planned research, including the general theoretical background, the research hypothesis and its relation to developments in the field of future energetics, the main objectives of the research and the significance of the expected results from the Estonian as well as global perspectives (up to 5 pages);
  • a list of the applicant’s ten most important scientific publications and/or development work directly or indirectly related to the planned research (to include DOIs, if available; in the case of an indirect link, to justify how this work supports the planned research);
  • a list of up to ten most important research projects or applied work related to the planned theme, carried out under the leadership or in participation of the applicant;
  • approval from the research and development institution where Researcher-Professor is or will be working;
  • a short CV (up to 2 pages);
  • If the applicant wishes, any other documents or materials considered relevant by the applicant.

More information on the competition for Research Professor is available here.

Contact at the Academy: Siiri Jakobson,