The 16th Baltic Conference on Intellectual Co-operation: Genes: from the Past to the Future
was orgnized by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in Vilnius, 2-3 May 2019.
Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Prof Andres Metspalu delivered a lecture titled “From biobanks to personalised medicine“.
The Estonian Young Academy of Sciences was represented by Dr Tuul Sepp. President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Prof Soomere together with Presidents of Academies of Sciences in Latvia and Lithuania handed over the Medals of Baltic Academies to the laureates from all three Baltic countries. Prof Maris Laan, University of Tartu was awarded as a laureate from Estonia. More information and programme of the 16th Baltic conference on Intellectual Co-operation on the website of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences here.

Prof. Maris Laan, University of Tartu, Laureate of the Medal of Baltic Academies 2019. Photo: Lihtuanian Academy of Sciences
The 15th Baltic conference on Intellectual Co-operation: The Future of Teacher Education in the Baltic Region: Towards Research Based Teacher Education
was organized by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters in Helsinki, 30-31 March 2017. The Estonian Academy of Sciences was represented by President Prof. Tarmo Soomere and Head of the Division of Informatics and Engineering Prof. Jakob Kübarsepp. More information about the 15th Baltic conference on Intellectual Co-operation on the website of the conference here.

The 14th Baltic conference on Intellectual Co-operation: Academies of Sciences for Research and Innovation: Past and Future
was organized by the Latvian Academy of Sciences in Riga, Jelgava, 20-21 April 2015. Invited speakers from the Estonian Academy of Sciences were Prof Mart Kalm, Artistic unity of the Baltic Sea Region countries, prof Urmas Varblane Dependence on EU Structural funds in the Baltic Countries. Ways of Exit. See the programme of the conference.

The 13th Baltic conference on Intellectual Co-operation: European Research Area and Small Countries
in Tallinn 28-29 January 2013 was supported by the National Programme “Internationalisation of Research”. The opening address was given by President of the Academy Richard Villems.
On the first day, conference papers covered the topics:
Conference papers of the second day included:
Presentations were followed by discussion.
Medals of the Baltic Academies of Sciences and accompanying diplomas, signed by Presidents of the Academies Richard Villems, Valdemaras Razumas ja Ojars Sparitis, were conferred on Tarmo Soomere (Estonia), Andris Sternbergs (Latvia) and Eugenijus Butkus (Lithuania).
The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences convened the 12th Baltic Conference on Intellectual Cooperation: Science and Society
in Vilnius on 4-5 November 2010. Delegates from Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania attended closely to presentations that focused on the science and society interactions.
The 11th Baltic conference on Intellectual Co-operation: National Development Strategies of the Baltic States
was organized by the Latvian Academy of Sciences in Riga in October 2007.
The 10th Baltic conference on Intellectual Co-operation: The Baltic: Past, Present and Future. History and politics, the Baltic Sea as a body of water and scientific collaboration around the Baltic Sea
was organized in Helsinki in 2005.
The 9th Baltic conference on Intellectual Co-operation: Globalization, Europe and National Identity, with considerable attention paid to science and culture of small countries
was organized in Vilnius in June 2003.
The 8th Baltic Conference on Intellectual Cooperation: The historical experience of the Baltic States, research strategies in small countries, and the humanities during the past decade
in Tallinn 15-16 June 2001 was promoted by President of the Republic Lennart Meri, who sent a message to participants of the conference.
The conference was opened by President of the Academy Jüri Engelbrecht, Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia in Estonia Gints Jegermanis and Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania in Estonia Rimanas Juozapas Tonkunas. Holding of the Conference was supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia.
The Conference proceeded in three sessions:
1) The message of the Baltic States to the World: Raising the World Awareness of our Historical Experience.
Convenor: Member of Academy Peeter Tulviste; speaking were Peeter Tulviste and Toomas Hiio – Estonia, Ohto Manninen – Finland, Evaldas Nekrašas – Lithuania, Aivars Tabuns – Latvia).
2) Research Strategies in Small Countries
Convenor: Member of Academy Jüri Engelbrecht; presented papers by Jüri Engelbrecht – Estonia, Matti Saarnisto and Arto Mustajoki – Finland, Janis Stradinš and Juris Ekmanis – Latvia, Eduardas Vilkas and Algis Petras Piskarskas – Lithuania.
3) The Humanities during the past Decade
Convenor: Member of Academy Arvo Krikmann; speaking were Almantas Samalavičius – Lithuania, Jaan Undusk – Estonia, Peteris Bankovskis – Latvia).
Over 80 Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Finnish and Swedish intellectuals scrutinised in their papers and at discussions the topical issues of development of their respective countries, social life and science. Professor of Political Science of Tartu University Rein Taagepera delivered a key presentation “The need for Baltic emotions”.
The Conference adopted a resolution (cf. Appendix).
7th Baltic conference on Intellectual Co-operation: The history and future prospects of mutual cooperation of Baltic States with particular focus on the protection of intellectual values and science
was held in Riga in 1999.