Terms and conditions of research visits by partners

Partner AcademyNumber of days per year. Terms and conditions
Czech Academy of Sciencesjoint projects only
The Austrian Academy of SciencesOnly conferences organized by the Austrian AS
The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences90, joint projects only
The Hungarian Academy of SciencesJoint projects
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities28
The Latvian Academy of Sciences75
The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences75. From 1 June 2024, applications for conferences, congresses, seminars, etc. under bilateral scientific cooperation agreements will not be accepted. This applies both to outgoing and incoming researchers.
The Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts21
The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine50, visits only to the institutions of the NASU
The Polish Academy of Sciences120, priority joint projects
The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium28, academic institutions of Flanders only (must have PhD)
The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities35
The Slovenian Academy of Sciences and ArtsA couple of visits per year (must have PhD)