Call for applications for Estonian-Hungarian research cooperation projects is open

The Estonian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, announces a call for applications to support research visits within the framework of research cooperation projects in the years 2025–2027. The general aim of the call is to support cooperation between Estonian and Hungarian researchers.

The deadline for submitting applications is September 30, 2024.

In Estonia, applications are welcome from researchers of all disciplines and research fields who work in positively evaluated research institutions here and wish to continue existing or start new cooperation with cooperation partners in Hungary. The Hungarian partner must be on the list of Centers of Excellence recognized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Through this scheme academies support mutual visits of researchers. The host academy books and covers the visiting researcher's accommodation expenses during the visit and pays the per diem according to the host academy's tariffs.

Applications can be submitted in the e-environment of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.

Contact: Terje Tuisk,