Memorial medals, prizes (disciplinary)

Nikolai Alumäe Medal 

in informatics and engineering.

Paul Ariste Medal 

in social sciences and the humanities.

Jaak Kangilaski – 2020
Arvo Krikmann – 2014
Huno Rätsep – 2010
Tiit-Rein Viitso – 2005

Karl Ernst von Baer Medal 

in life and earth sciences.

Richard Villems – 2015
Ülo Mander – 2011
Loit Reintam – 2007

Edgar Kant Medal

in social sciences.

Urmas Varblane – 2022

Harald Keres Medal

in astronomy, physics and mathematics.

Ülo Lepik – 2013
Jaan Einasto – 2019

Endel Lippmaa Memorial Lecture and Memorial Medal

Kurt Wüthrich – 2017
Uffe Ellemann-Jensen – 2020

Wilhelm Ostwald Medal

in chemistry and related areas.

Mati Karelson – 2014
Ilmar Koppel – 2010
Viktor Palm – 2006

Karl Schlossmann Medal  

in medicine and related areas.

Eero Vasar – 2016
Ain-Elmar Kaasik – 2012
Lembit Allikmets – 2008
Mart Saarma – 2004

Bernhard Schmidt Prize 

to recognise young scientists and engineers working in Estonia for their achievements in research and development activities and practical application of research findings.

Jaan Raik – 2007
Arne Asper, Kristo Heero, Sven Heiberg – 2005
Rünno Lõhmus – 2001

Alma Tomingas Medal

for interdisciplinary research.

Mari Moora – 2023