13. mai 2024

President Tarmo Soomere peab Jūrmalas, Lätis 13.–16. mail toimunud initsiatiivi Baltic Earth V konverentsil „New Challenges for Baltic Sea: Earth System Research“ plenaarettekande Regime shifts as an archetypal phenomenon of climate and climate change (13.05.2024) ning kaks suulist ettekannet: Coastal vulnerability of the eastern Baltic Sea with respect to extreme minima of sea level (K. Viigand, M. Eelsalu, T. Soomere, 14.05.2024) ja In search for suitable parameters quantifying the contribution of water level variations into coastal vulnerability index of microtidal seas (T. Soomere, M. Barzehkar, K. Parnell, I. Bagdanavičiūtė, 14.05.2024). Tarmo Soomere on veel kahe suulise ettekande ja kahe stendiettekande kaasautor: Major changes to directional forcing of sediment transport along the eastern Baltic Sea coast (M. Eelsalu, T. Soomere, 14.05.2024), Coastal processes and erosion with and without swell waves and tides in marginal seas (K. Parnell, T. Soomere, 16.05.2024), Analysis of wave properties in the Baltic Sea: integrating findings from the Gulf of Finland, Gulf of Riga and Western Baltic coasts (A. Giudici, R. Männikus, M.Z. Jankowski, T. Soomere), Intriguing interannual variations of sediment transport in the Gulf of Riga (T. Soomere, M. Jankowski, K. Parnell).