President Tarmo Soomere peab 4.–6. juunil toimuval rahvusvahelise hüdraulika ja keskkonnainseneeria assotsiatsiooni (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, IAHR) Euroopa kongressil 2024 „Water – across booundaries“ kaks suulist ettekannet: Spatial variations in the vulnerability of the shores of the eastern Baltic Sea with respect to future extreme water levels (K. Viigand, M. Eelsalu, T. Soomere, 05.06.2024) ja Spatial and temporal variability of wave energy resource in eastern Pacific from Panama to the Drake Passage (M. Eelsalu, T. Soomere, D. Aramburo, R. Montoya, A. Osorio, 06.06.2024). Lisaks on ta veel kahe suulise ettekande kaasautor: Using Hall-effect sensor based devices for high-resolution measurements of wave-driven near-bottom water flow in the Gulf of Riga (Laura Piho, Asko Ristolainen, Kevin Parnell, Tarmo Soomere 05.06.2024), Decomposing alongshore sediment transport into cells and compartments: a case study in the Gulf of Riga, the Baltic Sea (M.Jankowski, K. Parnell, T. Soomere; 06.06.2024).